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KMID : 0359019930130040713
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1993 Volume.13 No. 4 p.713 ~ p.718
The Significance of Mucosal Biopsy in Normal Colonoscopy
Many patients of gastroenterology clinics complain symptoms requiring colonic investigations. Radiological examinations may fail to detect early inflammatory bowel diseases and small neoplasms or polyps. And therefore colonoscopies are performed
preference to barium enema. Recently several reports raised a question regarding whether biopsy is necessary in a macroscopically normal colon.
To determine what proportion of apparently normal colons is histologically abnormal, to measure the thickness of subepithelial basement membrane(SEBM) in normal colons, and to see whether the thickness varies according to the different areas of
large bowel, we prospectively analyzed 100 consecutive subjects with normal laboratory findings and normal mucosa on colonoscopy.
Significant histologic abnormalities were not detected in all 100 cases. Thickness of SEBM (mean¡¾SD) was 1.6¡¾0.4§­ at hepatic flexure, 1.6¡¾0.4§­ at splenic flexure and 1.7¡¾0.4§­ at sigmoid colon. The SEBM was significantly thicker at the
colon than at the hepatic flexure. Range of thickness of normal SEBM was 0.8 to 2.5§­(mean¡¾2SD). Maximum thickness of SEBM was 3§­. The result of this study suggests that doing colonoscopic biopsies in all normal colons do not seem to be
Koreans yet.
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